AsTra model

  • ASTRA-EC model

On 2013, as part of the "ASSIST project" managed by the European Commission, a dedicated version of the ASTRA model (the ASTRA-EC model) was developed in order to provide an instrument to make strategic transport policy analysis, allowing users to analyse the social impacts of policies together with economic and environmental impacts. The ASTRA-EC model has a guided user interface where several leverages can be set to simulate policy scenarios and output can be read and compared in graphical or tabular format and exported for further analysis.

The following deliverables of the “ASSIST project” provide an overview on the ASTRA-EC model and its functionalities.

Description of the ASTRA-EC model and of the user interface
The deliverable D4.2 of ASSIST outlines the structure and the features of the ASTRA-EC model and of the user interface. Each module is described in its theoretical structure and main linkages, reporting the main conceptual equations.The list of policies available for simulation and their impact in the model is also included.

The ASTRA-EC model user guide
The document is an extract of deliverable D6.1 of ASSIST, describing how to operate with the model through the user interface: reporting a description of the model structure, how to set simulations of policies, reading results and comparing different scenarios.


TRT Trasporti e Territorio


M-Five GmbH


Fraunhofer Isi